Finding Commercial Real Estate Property to Lease in Denver
The Denver commercial real estate market is very healthy right now, especially the value of local Colorado retail space. The vacancy rates throughout the Front Range are at a historic low, which has prompted the commercial real estate development cycle to go into overdrive. This commercial development can make it more difficult to find the perfect commercial property for lease. According to a recent article by the Denver Business Journal, Denver’s retail real estate market is reportedly going to be the world’s second “hottest” market over the next few years, only trailing behind “it” city locations like San Francisco.

What these market characters mean are that if you’re ready to list a new commercial property for lease (or for sale), call Transworld Commercial Real Estate to help you fill your vacancy fast at 720-57-2953!
Phil Kubat is the Principal & Managing Broker of Transworld Commercial Real Estate, a commercial real estate brokerage firm in Colorado. Phil, a veteran in the Colorado commercial market, brings 15+ years of experience to his work with Transworld Commercial Real Estate (TCRE). TCRE serves as a strategic partner to clients for their commercial acquisition and disposition needs. Phil specializes in Leasing & Listing Sales Representation; Tenant & Buyer Representation; Corporate, Franchise & Franchisee Location Services; Co-Brokering with Franchise & National Firms; and Office, Industrial/Flex & Retail Site Selection.